Author: admin

  • How do I determine if a sql update is required for upgrade?

    Hi There, I’m taking over a site from someone, and wanting some confirmation before I do an upgrade. Currently at 2.2.1 Download 2.3.0 and unpacked the files I don’t see an upgrade.sql or anything, but wondering how I determine if sql updates are required as part of this install? The information I’ve found is to…

  • Does e107 collect my visitors’/users’ information/data?

    I am looking for a CMS that does not collect information or, at least, doesn’t collect my visitors’/users’ information. Also, the plugins/extensions shouldn’t collect such data either; or, at least, should disclose what data they collect and the uses of such data.Unfortunately, this information is not readily discovered. Can anyone inform me as to e107’s data…

  • Open page with different menu manager template [closed]

    For my website, I have created several pages and I have defined several Site Links, where I use URLs like page.php?id=10  The pages seem to use only the default template from Menu Manager.. How do I use the other available templates? Just for more info, I’m using the gameplus theme. All my pages only use the ‘gameplus default…

  • Can’t load index.php [closed]

    Hey!I’m a complete newbie to php and e107 please bother with me. So I finished the install process of e107 and configured everything. After the installation I got redirected to the index.php file but it won’t load! When I try to load up the index.php (with localhost/e107/index.php) I get this error message: Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too…

  • Reuse admin interface in frontend?

    I was wondering what would be best practice, in terms of performance and code reuse, for the following: I’ve got a plugin admin area almost all writen and usable in admin area, but i want to give some users change and editing options for database table data, that is also changeable from the admin area.So,…

  • Cannot login admin menu after update [closed]

    url to my site is Everything was working fine before updating, but after updating my entire content section disappeared. I then tried to login the admin area to see what is going on and I get this error when logging in: This page isn’t working didn’t send any data. ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE So then I tried…

  • Change colors in Theme Bootstrap 3

    I am using Theme Bootstrap 3 and would like to change many colors, in which file is the information saved?

  • Where is forming HEADERF and FOOTERF in e107 v2? [closed]

    I want to implements my html theme from themeforest into E107v2, but i cant find where if produce HEADERF and FOOTERF in e107 v2? into custom page i use this code: ….. include_once(HEADERF); eFront::instance()->getResponse()->send(‘default’, false, true); include_once(FOOTERF); exit; where can i change HEADERF and FOOTERF?