Category: core

  • User rights inheritance

    Hi There, I’m wondering if anyone can point me to the right place for docs or make suggestions. I need to do a tiered access with user, for different categories of members. Non-profile, has a board, executive, chairpersons, team leads and regular members. I need to have the follow structure, but I’m just not seeing…

  • Open page with different menu manager template [closed]

    For my website, I have created several pages and I have defined several Site Links, where I use URLs like page.php?id=10  The pages seem to use only the default template from Menu Manager.. How do I use the other available templates? Just for more info, I’m using the gameplus theme. All my pages only use the ‘gameplus default…

  • Reuse admin interface in frontend?

    I was wondering what would be best practice, in terms of performance and code reuse, for the following: I’ve got a plugin admin area almost all writen and usable in admin area, but i want to give some users change and editing options for database table data, that is also changeable from the admin area.So,…